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                                Carmie Ross- District Manager, (757) 302--4431 or  

               Bill Savage- Conservation Specialist, (757) 302-4437 or

Palmer Smith- Conservation Technician, (757) 302-4421 or


POULTRY BMPs available for Cost Share and VA Tax Credits:

  Several different Poultry BMP options available:
  (Click on each practice listed below to read the current specifications                                                                                                           and requirements)
WP-4 Animal Waste Control Facilities A planned system to manage liquid and/or solid waste from areas where poultry are concentrated. This practice is designed to provide facilities for the storage and handling of poultry waste and the control of surface runoff to permit the recycling of animal waste onto the land in a way that will abate pollution that would otherwise result from existing poultry operations. 
Poultry Dry-Stack facilities should only be built after the completion of a Poultry Dry-Stack Needs Determination Worksheet has            been competed. An analysis of this worksheet must determine that all other means of reducing the environmental impact of the          existing poultry operation have been explored and rejected due to economic inefficiency or lack of space for relocation.  The              applicant is also required to sign a Dry Manure Storage Structure Agreement DCR 199-86 which addresses the minimum criteria        prior to receiving funds.
                  LIFESPAN of PRACTICE: All practice components implemented must be maintained for a minimum of 15                        years following the calendar year of installation. The lifespan begins on January 1 of the calendar year                          following the year of certification of completion. This practice is subject to spotchecks by the District                              throughout the lifespan of the practice.
                 COST SHARE RATES: The cost share payment, alone or combined with any other cost share payment, will not exceed                           75% of the total eligible cost. The max state payment for this practice is not to exceed $150,000 per landowner per year                       unless DCR approves lifitng the cap via variance process.       
VA Tax Credits: As set forth by VA Code 58.1-339.3 and 58.1-439.5, VA currently provides a tax credit for implementation of certain BMP practices.  The current tax credit rate, which is subject to change in accordance with the Code of VA, is 25% of tout of pocket expenses not to exceed $25,000.00. For those BMPs on tracts that have a Resource Management Plan, the tax credit  is 50% of the out of pocket expenses not to exceed $50,000.00.
  • WP-4C Composter Facilities A planned system designed to manage the treatment and disposal of poultry carcasses resulting from normal mortality and to improve water quality by composting those carcasses and spreading the composted material at the proper time, rate, and location. 
                LIFESPAN of PRACTICE: All practice components implemented must be maintained for a minimum of 15                         years following the calendar year of installation. The lifespan begins on January 1 of the calendar year                           following the year of certification of completion. This practice is subject to spot checks by the District                             throughout the lifespan of the practice.
                 COST SHARE RATES: The cost share payment, alone or combined with any other cost share payment, will not exceed                           75% of the total eligible cost of poultry composting facilities . The max state payment for this practice $50,000 per year                       for the construction or purchase of composting facilities.
VA Tax Credits: As set forth by VA Code 58.1-339.3 and 58.1-439.5, VA currently provides a tax credit for implementation of certain BMP practices.  The current tax credit rate, which is subject to change in accordance with the Code of VA, is 25% of tout of pocket expenses not to exceed $25,000.00. For those BMPs on tracts that have a Resource Management Plan, the tax credit  is 50% of the out of pocket expenses not to exceed $50,000.00.
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