District Location and Info:
District Location and Info:
Eastern Shore SWCD
22545 Center Parkway
Accomac, VA 23301
(757) 302-4431
Fax: (757) 787-3769
Office Hours: Monday- Friday 8:00 am - 4:30 pm
The Eastern Shore Soil and Water Conservation District Board of Directors meet the second Wednesday of every month at 5:00 pm to conduct District business.
All meetings are open to the public. Meeting date changes will be posted.
The Eastern Shore Soil and Water Conservation District Board of Directors meet the second Wednesday of every month at 5:00 pm to conduct District business.
All meetings are open to the public. Meeting date changes will be posted.
Serving Accomack and Northampton Counties
VA Agricultural Best Management Practices (BMP) Cost Share Program
Through funding provided by the VA Soil and Water Conservation Board and the VA Department of Conservation and Recreation (DCR), the Eastern Shore Soil and Water Conservation District (Eastern Shore SWCD) administers the VA Agricultural Best Management Practice (BMP) Cost-Share Program in Accomack and Northampton Counties.
The goal of the Virginia Agricultural BMP Cost Share Program is to improve water quality in the VA's streams, rivers, and the Chesapeake Bay. Cost Share assistance is offered as an incentive to implement best management practices. The basis of the program is to encourage the voluntary installation of agricultural BMPs to meet Virginia's non-point pollution reduction objectives. Emphasis is given on the implementation of agricultural BMPs in locations that provide the greatest nutrient and sediment reductions for the taxpayer's dollar and interest. Many different practices are offered that can assist landowners and producers in maintaining soil on the land with consequent benefits to crop production and water quality.
More information and specifications of best management practices are found in the most current FY24 VA Ag BMP Cost Share Manual . Many practices listed are eligible for VA Tax Credits.
FY25 Cost Share Sign-Up:
Coming Soon Mid-July to Mid-August
Carmie Ross- District Manager- 757-302-4431 or carmie.savage@esswcd.org
Bill Savage- Conservation Specialist- 757-302-4437 or bill.savage@esswcd.org
Palmer Smith- Conservation Technician- 757-302-4421 or palmer.smith@esswcd.org
If you are a new participant in the VA AG BMP Cost Share Program you will
be required to fill in a W-9 Form to participate in any cost share program.
If you are not a new participant but your information or address has changed
please submit an updated form to the District.
For more information regarding COVER CROP Cost Share Practices :
For more information regarding NUTRIENT MANAGEMENT PLANNING Cost Share Practices:
For more information regarding SPLIT APPLICATION ON SMALL GRAINS Cost Share Practices:
For more information regarding SIDEDRESS ON CORN Cost Share Practices:
Form more information regarding CONTINUOUS NO-TILL and Long Term No-till
Cost Share Practices :
For more information regarding POULTRY BEST MANAGEMENT Cost Share Practices: